Everyone wants a perfect night's sleep, but for modern people, it's getting harder and harder. These problems can come from work stress and family responsibilities to unexpected challenges, such as illness. Research shows that lack of sleep can have a direct negative impact on your hormones, athletic performance, and brain function. It can also cause weight gain and increase disease risk. Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things you can do if you want to optimize your health or lose weight. While you may not be able to control the factors that interfere with sleep, you can develop habits that encourage better sleep, starting with these 6 tips.
1. Fixed sleep schedule
Try to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. If you maintain good sleep habits, sleep will get better. Find a time that works for you and stick to it. Set aside no more than eight hours of sleep. The recommended sleep duration for healthy adults is at least 7 hours. Most people don't need to be in bed for more than eight hours to achieve this. Try to limit the difference in sleep time between weekdays and weekends to no more than half an hour. Over time, your healthy body clock will develop.
2. Avoid alcohol and coffee for six hours before bed
Australians are huge fans of coffee. However, when consumed later in the day, caffeine can stimulate your nervous system and may prevent your body from naturally relaxing at night. Consuming caffeine 6 hours before bed can significantly worsen sleep quality because caffeine can stay elevated in your bloodstream for 6-8 hours. Alcohol can make you sleepy, but it can seriously disrupt quality sleep.
3. Optimize your sleep environment
The sleeping environment and its settings are key factors in getting a good night's sleep. Determining factors include temperature, noise and exterior lighting. External noise, often from traffic, can lead to poor sleep and long-term health problems. Light is the most important factor affecting people's sleep. Light will suppress the body's secretion of melatonin (the hormone that makes you feel sleepy) and avoid using light-emitting screens for long periods of time before going to bed. Doing calming activities before bed, like taking a bath or using relaxation techniques, may promote better sleep.
4. Don't snap during the day
While short naps are beneficial, long or irregular naps during the day can negatively affect your sleep. Sleeping during the day can mess up your body clock, which means you may have trouble falling asleep at night. If you take regular naps during the day and sleep well, you shouldn't be concerned. The effects of naps vary from person to person.
5. Stop worrying before bed
You should address all issues before bed. If it doesn't solve the problem, it should stop thinking about the problem one hour before bed. Find a relaxation technique that works for you and practice it regularly as you relax. Stop thinking before bed and keep them for tomorrow. Stress management may help. Start with the basics, such as getting organized, setting priorities, and delegating tasks. Meditation can also relieve anxiety. Many people have a bedtime relaxation strategy. Strategies include listening to music, reading, taking a bath, meditating, and breathing deeply.